
Showing posts from 2016

Hurt - A Loving Story

Hurt - a loving story Hurt sharing as received... This story changed my life and I thought maybe it could change others too, so I'm sharing it with you. This story was told to me by my sister, whom it happened to. She was really upset because she hadn't see or spoken to her best friend Jim in a couple of weeks. Finally he show up at her door and commands her to get dressed and go riding with him. So she finally does As they were riding , they passed a garden full of flowers Jim says "Do you see those flowers ? "Yes ,"she says. "Do you think that when someone steps on those flowers that they lie there and feel sorry for themselves ? Jim Asks. "No" "No , they immediately start to mend their wounds so they can heal , and grow strong and healthy" They ride a little further and Jim points up in a tree , 'You see those squirrels up there ? Do you th

A True Saying...

True saying of life: "Just listen to my Advice Not B'coz I'AM   Always RIGHT... B'cz I Have More Experience of Being   "WRONG". Take Care. !!!